How to Get Cigar Taste Out Of Your Mouth

How to Get Cigar Taste Out Of Your Mouth

Cigars offer a variety of different notes and flavors that you can pick up on when smoking. They often provide a flavor that’s favorable, but more often than not, they’ll leave you with an ashy aftertaste that might not be pleasant. The aftertaste, along with bad breath, can last quite awhile. If you experience “cigar mouth,” there are ways that you can reduce the taste and how long it lasts.

Why Does the Ash Taste Last So Long?

It’s completely normal to have an aftertaste when smoking a cigar. Sometimes though, it can last longer than expected. Some reasons for this include the size of the cigar, how close to the end you smoke, and how frequently you puff. Out of these reasons, how close to the end you smoke is actually the biggest factor. The closer you get to the end, the hotter the cigar burns, which can cause the ashy aftertaste to last longer.

Different Ways to Get the Taste Out of Your Mouth

There are a few different ways you can get the taste out of your mouth. On it’s own, it’ll usually go away within 5 hours. Although, if you smoke before bed, you’ll likely have the aftertaste until the following afternoon.

Brush Your Teeth (And Tongue)

Brushing your teeth is one of the first things you’ll want to do in order to get rid of cigar mouth. When brushing, use extra toothpaste, brush thoroughly, and make sure to brush your tongue. It’s best to use something rather minty, but any toothpaste should help.

Use Mouthwash

After you brush your teeth, another step you can take is rinsing with mouthwash. This will help kill bad breath germs and leave your mouth with a fresh, minty taste.

Eating Food

Eating food is another great way to get rid of the taste and the bad breath. When you eat food, it will actually “absorb” some of that bad breath, as well as replacing the current aftertaste of ash. While it may not completely eliminate the aftertaste, it definitely helps.

Gum and Mints

After brushing your teeth, using mouthwash, and eating, you may notice that the taste may come back at some point. As it comes back, you can use gum and mints to further mask both the taste and the ashy odor that comes from your breath. If you plan on coming in contact with people and don’t want them to smell your ashy breath, this will help cover it up.

Drink Water

Throughout the day, it’s also beneficial to frequently drink water or other beverages. Whenever you take a sip, it helps wash down the aftertaste. This won’t help you right away by any means, but consistently drinking some sort of beverage will help shorten the amount of time that the taste stays in your mouth.

How to Prevent a Long-Lasting Cigar Aftertaste

For future cigars, there are a couple of things you can do to help prevent that long-lasting cigar aftertaste.

Smoke Slower

Smoking your cigar a bit slower and puffing less frequently will naturally shorten how long the aftertaste lasts. The less puffs you take from your cigar, the less smoke and tobacco you’re allowing into your mouth. You’ll still be left with some aftertaste, but it can help to some extent.

Drink Water While Smoking

Another way you can help prevent a long-lasting aftertaste is by frequently sipping on water throughout your smoking session. If you have sparkling water on hand, this will help even more, as the carbonation in the water helps eliminate some of the lasting odors.

Don’t Smoke All The Way to the End

As the cigar burns closer to the end, them smoke you puff on becomes increasingly hotter. Because the smoke is as a higher temperature as it enters your mouth, it leaves much more of an ashy aftertaste in your mouth. So, if you want to avoid this as much as possible, try stopping 1-2 inches earlier than you normally would.

Cigar Choice

The type of cigar you smoke can also have an impact on the aftertaste you experience the next day. Whether you choose a lighter cigar or a darker maduro cigar, how long the aftertaste is and how how ashy it is will vary. With lighter cigars, the aftertaste tends to be more ashy and smokey, but generally goes away faster than a darker cigar. The aftertaste from darker cigars often lasts longer due to the type of tobacco and higher nicotine content. However, the aftertaste is less unpleasant than the ashier flavors you get from lighter cigars, because darker tobacco has richer and sweeter notes that linger.

Shop Cubano Central For Quality Cigar Accessories

Cigar accessories can make or break your smoking experience. Low quality humidors can ruin your cigars, bad cutters can damage the tobacco, and unreliable cigar torches go out when you need them most. That’s why you need quality cigar accessories. Shop Cubano Central for all your cigar accessory needs – from humidors to lighters, we have it all.


What’s the quickest way to get cigar taste out of my mouth?

Start off by thoroughly brushing your teeth and rinsing with mouth wash. Eating food and chewing gum throughout the day will also help. Make sure to also drink plenty of water.

What kind of cigars leave a longer aftertaste?

Darker cigars generally leave a longer lasting aftertaste. However, lighter cigars’ aftertaste is often ashier.

How can I avoid an ashy aftertaste?

A few things you can do to avoid an ashy aftertaste is smoking slower with more time in between puffs, drink plenty of water as you smoke, and don’t smoke the cigar all the way to the end.

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